Lower Cost of Doing Business
Some of the Tax Advantages for Being Located in Florida Include:
- NO corporate income tax on limited partnerships
- NO corporate income tax on subchapter S-corporations
- NO state personal income tax guaranteed by constitutional provision
- NO corporate franchise tax on capital stock
- NO state-level property tax assessed
- NO property tax on business inventories
- NO property tax on goods-in-transit for up to 180 days
- NO sales and use tax on goods manufactured or produced in Florida for export outside the state
- NO sales tax on purchases of raw materials incorporated in a final product for resale, including non-reusable containers or packaging
- NO sales/use tax on boiler fuels
- NO sales/use tax on co-generation of electricity
Florida also Provides Tax Exemptions and Offers Sales On:
- Semiconductor, defense and space technology-based industry transactions involving manufacturing or research equipment
- Purchases of machinery and equipment used by a new or expanding Florida business to manufacture, produce or process tangible personal property for sale
- Labor, parts and materials used in repair of and incorporated into machinery and equipment that qualify for sales tax exemption upon purchase
- Electricity used in the manufacturing process
- Aircraft parts, modification, maintenance and repair, sale or lease of qualified aircraft
- Commercial space activity – launch vehicles, payloads and fuel, machinery and equipment for production of items used exclusively at Spaceport Florida
- Labor component of research and development expenditures
- Any facility, device, fixture, machinery or equipment required for pollution control, abatement or monitoring of equipment used in manufacturing processing or compounding items for sale
Source: Greater Fort Lauderdale Alliance.